Well, even though Jan. is a long month with 31 days, it surely sped by. I had a great new year's plan to lose a few (ok, a lot) of pounds and did fairly well for the first week of Jan. Then the stress monster crept in and I succumbed to her. I really know what they mean by "Comfort" food.
I have a new grandson, Samuel Nicholas Ice, born Jan. 15, 2009 in Louisville, KY. I flew out there just after he was born and was able to see him, hold him, hold him, until his Mom said it was her turn since I didn't have the working equipment to feed him. Dang! It was a great visit, just a bit cold for this Arizona gal.
This week Zane called me and told me he and Hailey had gone down to get their marriage license. Then reality hit. They really are getting married! In 21 days! They have an apartment and all that, too. We have been making the wedding plans for a few months now, but the license thing is the clincher. My baby is getting married.
I know it will take me some time to get my mind around this fact. Where is that comfort food!!