Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sweet 16

Remember when you turned sixteen? I do! I remember I was so excited to be able to officially date, drive a car, and hang out with my friends until my, now later curfew of, midnight. For my 16th birthday party, I just wanted my friends (only) and I to do something that we hadn't been allowed to until that age. I also remember that I was selfish, self-centered, and thought my folks were "square."

On Friday night, I got to be an honored guest at a Sweet 16 party. I know I am way beyond 16 and I don't even teach 16 year olds. But at one time, I did teach kids who are now turning 16.

So, about three weeks ago, I get a phone call at school from a father of a former student of mine. He said,"We are having a surprise 16th birthday party for Erin on Mar. 28. We are inviting adults who have made an impact in her life and who have helped us mold her into the extraordinary young woman she is today. We would be delighted to have you come. You are one of only two teachers whom she remembers as really learning from and admiring and considers a role model." Needless, to say I readily accepted and showed up to surprise Erin. She was not at all embarrassed to be surrounded by 15 "Old" women and was truly touched that we would come to honor her. Little does she know, that that honor was what I felt as a result of her acknowledgement of me and my efforts as her 4th grade teacher. This experience is why I get up each morning and go to school hoping to make an impact in a 10 year old's life. Not necessarily an academic one, but one in which their character is changed for the better.

I completed a scrapbook page for her book and I included these words of wisdom:

"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness
is trading what we want MOST for
what we want at the moment."

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Ok, I woke up this morning so excited. Today was "Enchanted" day. Today was the day I could go to Target and buy the movie,"Enchanted." I didn't want to seem too eager (a 58 year old women pounding on the door at 7AM), so I waited until 9:30AM and hopped into my car and took off. I parked and non-chalantly strolled in pretending to look for paper clips or toothpaste. But, guess what, right by the check out counters, there they were, a whole display case full of "Enchanted." I walked over and said "excuse me" to about six other people standing in front of the case and plucked one from the back of the stack(Rach you know what I mean). I was so excited. I made sure I had the full screen version. I hate letter box. I put it in the seat of my cart and decided that I needed to roam around the store like I really needed something else to buy besides the movie. What would people think if they knew I had just come to Target for ONE thing? So I did buy some paper clips and some card stock paper and then I decided that I could check out. Which I did, and then carefully took the movie back home.
Well, how many times have I watched it since I brought it home? Are you ready?
NONE. It has set on my bed all day. I feel like I do when I have a new book to read. I sometimes hesitate to begin because then it will soon be over. I tried to coerce Zane into watching it with me, but he said, "Mom, I'm not quite ready for it." Whatever that means. Then I asked Eddie if he wanted to watch it with me. He said he was going to Devin's to watch the Sun's game. Then I asked Stuart if he wanted to watch it with me. He said he was going to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Sun's game. Well,I guess that leaves me and the cats. Or, maybe I will save it and watch it on Friday night when the "boys" are going to have an "Enchanted" party. At any rate, I am still excited that today, Mar. 18, was "Enchanted Day." Tomorrow is another story. It is "Tax Day."

Easter and Orange Blossoms

Remember: Easter is this Sunday. For those of you who have kids, don't forget to buy the eggs to color, and the dye. Also, remember the Easter Bunny comes and hides the eggs and gives baskets full of sugar.I am just reminding you because your kids will never forgive you if you forget about this part of Easter.

Remember: This Sunday is Easter. For those of you who have kids don't forget to tell them the true story of Easter. Don't forget to read it yourself and remember the real reason why Easter is the most joyous holiday we celebrate. Remember: it because of the resurrection of Christ that we can all live again and see and be with our loved ones who have had the privilege of going on before us.We can also be with Him and our Heavenly Father again.

As I walked around Target today, I was struck by all the cute Easter stuff for sale. Yes, there were the bunnies, chicks, egg dye, jelly beans, the baskets, the grass, and the chocolate. But I was also pleased to see the books about the real meaning of Easter and Bible stories placed next to those about Peter Cottontail.

When I got home, I went out into my backyard and surveyed my orange tree. There on the tips of the branches, nestled in the dark green leaves, were the white orange blossoms. They were still closed, but by the end of this week they will be open and diffusing their heavenly scent into my backyard air and into my nose. What a wonderful smell. The blossoms caused me to contemplate the true meaning of Easter and have joy, peace, hope and thankfulness in my heart for this wonderful season and what it promises to all of us.

May you enjoy both spirits of Easter. May you enjoy the smiles and wide eyes of your kids as they discover their Easter baskets and hunt for eggs. Finally, may you all smile and have your walks uplifted in the knowledge of the true reason for this season!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Matt and I at Chuck's grave in Wyoming.

A Quick Trip

Well, last week was one of those you would call a whirlwind week. I received notice on Tuesday that I would need to appear as a witness in a court case in Cheyenne, Wy. on Friday. Stress!!!! Not only was it short notice but now I had to develop and write up lesson plans for a sub. Unless you have ever taught elementary school you can't appreciate the time and energy it takes to write a script for a sub to be you for the day. The whole day is planned out in 15 or 30 minute increments with papers pulled and pages assigned and textbooks bookmarked for the sub to use. In a fourth grade classroom the sub needs to know if she/he has crosswalk duty, recess duty, what to do at lunch, pages to be taught, any games to be played, incentives and management rules (bathroom, discipline etc.)It goes on and on. Anyway, I alerted my school secretary that I would need a sub for Fri.and so she made arrangments for that. Then on Wed. morning I got word that I would be needed in WY on Thurs. as well as Fri. STRESS!!! Now I had to create plans for Thurs. Luckily, I didn't have to make the airline reservations. The US Government did that. They say that I got to fly for free, but you and I know that that is where part of our tax dollars goes.I did fly Frontier and it was a nice airline. The seats were comfortable and there were little TV screens on the back of the seat in front of you. For $5 I could watch cable TV and for $8 I could have watched a movie. First run no less! To top the trip off I rode a puddle jumper plane to Cheyenne from Denver and didn't have to hassle renting a car and driving it to Chey.
Being a witness is a scary thing. Thank goodness there was a pitcher of water and cups by the witness stand.(The chair was comfy.)My mouth got so dry I could hardly talk. It is also very hard to remember what you have just said. Thank goodness the court reporter is sitting directly in front of you and you can have your previous words read back. Man, she writes down everything: coughs, sneezes, and yes, the judge did fall asleep a few times.
While there, Matt and I got to visit Chuck's grave. Neither he nor I had seen the headstone after it was placed on his grave. That happened last summer and neither one of us could be there for that occasion.
Lastly, in spite of the stress I had a wonderful reunion with many nieces and nephews whom I hadn't seen in quite a few years. We also went out to eat at a place called "Twin Dragon". It has to have the best Chinese food on the planet. The trip was worth it to just be able to go there and eat. The company of 18 members of the family helped too.